Lullaby in Fracktown, Lilace Mellin Guignard Above you can find a link to this week’s poem, as well as the podcast episode itself. Below, you’ll find the script for the episode. Analysis and Context Lullaby in Fracktown is a villanelle by Lilace Mellin Guignard. A little background on the author. She lives in rural Pennsylvania, …
Month: April 2021
One Fire, Quenched with Another, by Jeremy Michael Clark Above you can find a link to this week’s poem, as well as the podcast episode itself. Below, you’ll find the script for that episode. Analysis Jeremy Michael Clark read this poem for the Poem-a-Day podcast. In the “About This Poem” section, he says he took …
Married Love by Kuan Tao Sheng (translated by Kenneth Rexroth and Ling Chung) You and I Have so much love, That it Burns like a fire, In which we bake a lump of clay Molded into a figure of you And a figure of me. Then we take both of them, And break them into …
For our first Poem of the Week, we read Javier Zamora’s “Second Attempt Crossing.” It’s about Zamora’s journey to the US at the age of 9 and the person who helped protect him. Kit gives insight into structure, meaning, and takeaways for your poetry.